Executive Committee
This honorary position is currently vacant
Vice President
This honorary position is currently vacant
Chair and Bulletin Editor
Dr Robert Morkot, FSA
Robert Morkot is an Ancient Historian educated at University College London and the Humboldt-University Berlin. His main area of expertise is the Ancient History of the Nile Valley and North-East Africa from Libya to Sudan but also works on the History of Archaeology and reception of Antiquity.
This position is currently vacant
This position is currently vacant
Membership Secretary
Prof Aidan Dodson
Honorary Prof. of Egyptology, University of Bristol
Aidan Dodson is honorary Professor of Egyptology in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of Bristol, and the author of numerous works on the history of ancient Egypt. His area of expertise is in Egyptian funerary equipment and architecture in the second to third Intermediate Periods. He also studies European medieval royal burial practices as well as the history of Egyptology and Egyptian collections.
Web, Social Media, and eNewsletter Editor
This position is currently vacant
Book Review Editor
Dr Chris Elliott
Dr Chris Elliott holds a PhD in Archaeology from Southampton University. His main interest is the influence of Ancient Egypt after the Pharaonic period, extending to the present day, especially Egyptian style architecture and interiors, and the history of Egyptian obelisks outside Egypt.
Committee Member
Rosalind Janssen
Honorary Lecturer in Education, Institute of Education, UCL
Rosalind Janssen is an Egyptologist who is currently exploring the contribution of UCL to social networks involved in anthropometry in Egypt, c. 1900. She is using object histories — for example, that from a head-spanner — as a means to deconstruct colonial travellers. At the same time, this is giving voice to the collectivised Egyptians as archaeological labourers.