ASTENE Conference
The much-delayed next ASTENE conference will be held at Wills Hall, University of Bristol, Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9 1AE, running from the afternoon of Friday 21 July to Sunday 23 July 2023. The Conference will also incorporate a General Meeting of ASTENE, at which it is intended to debate and decide on the way ahead for the Association. It is therefore important that as many Members of ASTENE attend as possible. It will NOT be possible to attend the Conference or General Meeting remotely.
A DRAFT PROGRAMME is now available at this link.
It is hoped that, as in the past, bursaries can be made available to student presenters, and should you wish to be considered for a bursary, you should indicate this when submitting your abstract. In doing so, you should indicate your institution and course of study.
To book a place at the conference, please fill in THIS FORM, and follow the instructions contained in it regarding submission and paying conference fees. Please note that all bookings received by 28 February 2023 will benefit from a 5% 'early bird' discount, and that no bookings can be accepted after 15 June 2023.
Past Conferences
24 - 25 July 2021
[Online via Zoom]
12 - 15 July 2019
The University of York and National Railway Museum
21 - 24 July 2017
University of East Anglia and Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery
12 - 15 July 2015
University of Exeter
12 – 15 July 2013
Aston University, Birmingham
15 - 18 July 2011
St. Anne’s College, Oxford
10 – 13 July 2009
Collingwood College, Durham University
12 - 16 July 2007
Southampton University
14 – 18 July 2005
The University of Manchester
11 – 14 July 2003
Worcester College, Oxford
11 – 15 July 2001
Edinburgh First, Pollock Halls
15 – 18 July 1999
Newnham College, Cambridge
9 - 12 July 1997
St Catherine’s College, Oxford
17 - 19 July 1995
The Oriental Museum, Durham