Membership is open to all.
We offer four types of membership: joint (one household), individual, student, libraries/institutions, All categories receive a copy of the society Bulletin (three times a year), monthly newsletters, discounted events/publications, and access to exclusive research resources, As the society is a registered charity, your subscription will also go towards supporting projects that promote the study of travel.
Membership is per calendar year (annual subscriptions are due on the 1st of January and can be made online (see below), or via post (using payment by cheque or standing order). In either case, please download the membership form and send it with your cheque, or e-mail it to membershipastene@gmail.com
Membership Rates for 2022
Joint Membership (Hard Copy Bulletin)
Joint Membership (Electronic Bulletin)
Individual Membership (Hard Copy Bulletin)
Individual Membership (Electronic Bulletin)
Student Membership (Hard Copy Bulletin)
Student Membership (Electronic Bulletin)
Library Membership (Hard Copy and Electronic Bulletin)
Postal payment
To subscribe by post, please download our ASTENE new members form or if you are a returning member, the ASTENE renewal membership form and return it to membershipastene@gmail.com or ASTENE Membership, 2 Kingsley Road, Cotham, Bristol BS6 6AF
Standing order forms are available here: ASTENE standing order form
If you are a UK tax payer, please consider filling out a Gift Aid donation form, which allows ASTENE to claim back tax on subscriptions: Gift Aid Declaration 2021,